November 15, 2009

Pumkin Cookies, A Little Late for Halloween!

So, I know I haven’t been posting lately. I also haven’t been making much food lately. Mostly just other recipes I’ve found online. I’ve made Alton Brown’s pancakes and random soup recipes, mostly. Well, tonight I finally decided to get off my butt and make pumpkin cookies. So, let’s get to it, shall we?

Makes 24 cookies
You’ll need:

3 eggs
1/4 cp honey
3/4 oil
1 cp brown sugar
3 cp flour
2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbs cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 1/2 cp pumpkin puree

    1. Preheat oven at 375 degrees F. Combine 3 eggs, ¼ cup honey, ¾ cup oil, 1 cp brown sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and 1 ½ cup pumpkin puree, and mix.
    2. Add 3 cups flour, 2 tsp baking soda, ¼ tsp salt, 1 tbs cinnamon, and 1 tsp cayenne pepper.

     3. Mix until it becomes the consistency of cookie dough, which is like a sticky pasta.

      4. Place in 2 spoon scoops onto greased cookie pans. I used three cookie pans for this recipe.

      5. Bake for 8 minutes before removing cookies. Wait to cool and then you can eat them. You’ll    get a really chewy, pumpkin flavored cookie.

I hope you’ll enjoy that one. If you want to make the pumpkin puree from scratch, follow these directions. Take your pumpkin, remove seeds, and cut your pumpkin into pieces. Place those pieces fleshy side up on a baking sheet for 30 minutes. You could probably just as easily microwave them, but you can fit more pieces in an oven. For this recipe, I used the puree of half of a large pumpkin. This was the first time I’ve done this so I wasn’t sure how much I need to make. Either way, when done baking, scoop out the flesh from the skin with a spoon or fork. Place it into a blender and puree for 3-5 minutes. What you get is what you’ll use for your cookies, or really anything else you want to make with pumpkin puree.

I hope that’s been helpful to you. Good day lovelies.

Cinnamon Apple Egg Rice

I haven’t really been cooking lately, sorry. But I’ve got a lovely dish for you today. It’s a sweet rice and egg dish.

You’ll need:
1/2 medium apple
2 cloves of garlic
2 eggs
1 ¼ cp rice
2 ½ cps water
1 tsp cinnamon
Serves: 1

1. Put your rice and water into a pot to boil. Put a few dashes of salt and pepper along with that. It should take about 20 minutes. Cooking the rice is the longest part of this recipe. You could also use instant rice if you really need an instant meal though.
2. Dice your garlic and apple into small pieces.

3. Beat the two eggs in a separate bowl. This helps make them fluffier and tastier.
4. When your rice has been cooked, start cooking your eggs in another pan. Stir in garlic and apple after egg has started cooking.
5. Serve egg mixture on top of rice. Sprinkle cinnamon in center of plate. Garnish plate with the other half of the apple, if so desired (I didn’t this time).

That’s about it for this meal. It’s my lunch! Please enjoy it as much as I have.

October 29, 2009

I Luv Halloween

Alright, it’s Halloween time! SWEET! Time for sweets. No other posts lately cause I’ve been eating butternut squash soup my mom made and delicious sandwiches from some deli.
But, yeah, Halloween cupcake time!

You’ll need:
2 eggs
2 1/2 cps flour
1 cp sugar
1 cp butter
1/2 cp brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3 tbs cocoa powder
1/4 cp oil
1/4 cp milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

  1. First, preheat your oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Next, mix up the 2 eggs with your mixer (of course) until you have a foamy consistency.
  3. Add ½ cp brown sugar and when that’s mixed in also mix in the cup of sugar.

    4. Mix in your cup of butter.
   5. Next, add 1 tsp vanilla extract, ½ tsp salt, 1 tsp baking soda, 3 tbs of cocoa powder, and 2½ cps of flour.

6. When it’s thoroughly mixed, add ¼ cp of oil and ¼ cp of milk until you have a smooth, silky consistency. You’ll need to mix for a few minutes.

7. Add batter by two spoonfuls to cupcake tins. Tip: Cupcake batter about doubles in size during the baking process. You’re only going to need to fill the tins half to three quarters of the way full.

8. Bake for about 6 minutes, or until an inserted knife comes out clean.

9. Wait until cupcakes cool before adding frosting. I know that there’s poor photo quality on this last photo. I tried maybe eight times and it just doesn’t want to come out. Better luck next time, I suppose. As for the designs, I tried to imitate spider webs I’ve seen on many cupcakes at
    I just made frosting circles and then used a knife to run the frosting umbrella styled so the lines would interconnect. It looks alright, but I reckon I need more practice.

    That’s it for tonight. Soon I’ll have some pumpkin recipes up. As Halloween ends, of course. I’m re-using the decorating pumpkins :) Night everyone! Stay safe on Halloween.

    October 27, 2009

    Hey everyone! Today we’re going to have some delicious recipes. I’m starting off with my scallion fish burger! Tastes a bit like tilapia. I’ll say it right now; this is going to be messy. Any time I ever make things with flour, it turns into a giant mess. If anyone has tips to avoid said mess, I’d love to hear them. But anyways…

    You’ll need:
    1 7oz can of tuna fish
    1 scallion
    1 egg
    1 cp flour
    2 tbs oregano
    A few slices of Cranberry sauce (optional)
    1 apple, cut into wedges.

    1. Put ½ tbs of butter in a skillet on low-medium.
    2. Combine 1 cp flour, 2 tbs oregano, and 1 scallion, finely diced in one bowl.
    3. In separate bowl, beat one egg until it has a very creamy texture.

    4. Take half of the can of tuna (be sure to drain it first)and dump it into the center of the flour bowl. Start forming a ball as much as possible before transferring your burger ball to the egg.

    5. Cover the ball in egg before transferring it back to the flour. You’ll have to repeat this step about 2-3 times.
    6. When it looks like a properly floured ball, you’re going to take it, flatten it to burger shape, and put it in your skillet. You’ll cook it about 5 minutes on the first side and 8 on the second, till it looks golden brown. You could, like me, cook one burger at a time, but the smart way to do it would be two burgers in a larger skillet.

    7. Now, for plating, you could put your burger in a bun with lettuce and tomato and cheese…or whatever you want. It’s your burger. I, personally, suggest a plain burger with a slice of cranberry on top.
    8. Surround your burger with your apples slices and you have a really delicious and healthy fish-fruit combo meal. (Two photos cause I took two and I just like them so much! :3)

    Alternatively, you could use bread crumbs instead of flour for a more flavorful punch. The flour really gives more attention to the taste of the tuna, however. Try both, see what you like more. This is a really open-ended recipe. You add various kinds of onions, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, varying fruit or regular sauces, different buns…go wild!

    In other news, I spoke with a representative from Le Cordon Bleu Pennsylvania Institute. His name was Barry and he was really friendly, helpful, and informative.
    We were on the phone for about 1 ½ hours. It was crazy. I even made a frozen pizza for me to eat during it because, well, it’s rude to cook while you’re on the phone with someone. Not rude to eat, though? Hahaha.
    Is seems like a really nice school. I’ve decided I want to take classes in baking rather than cooking, so he told me about that program. They teach about a lot of different kinds of breads and cakes, ganaches, soufflés, scones, and some other things I can’t recall. Their associate’s program is completed in 60 weeks, which is a time frame I just adore. The only thing I don’t like about this school is their confusing website. The information I know wasn’t gleaned from their website, but from the representative. When a school has a confusing website where I can’t easily find the information I need, I’m very turned off.
    For example, I can’t find the tuition or even the rate per credit hour anywhere on the site even though I’ve been looking for several minutes. I know the tuition to be somewhere around $38,000 just because I asked. That amount includes uniforms, books, and equipment though. Also, that’s for the entire program. If you want to think about it, it’s $19,000 per year of a regular associate’s program, but squeezed into a little over one year. Not to mention, you get a 3 month paid externship in there.
    Overall, it seems like a top-notch school. The price really isn’t that bad in comparison to other culinary programs. I gave a $50 application fee already. Strongly considering going to their program with a July 2010 start time. I want to get some more college credits before I transfer. Also, to save up some money so I can afford it, haha.

    From my research so far, I get these results:

    School: Le Cordon Bleu Pennsylvania Institute
    Tuition: 38,000
    Length of Program: 60 weeks
    Type of Program: Associates
    Time frame of program: 7/7/10 - 9/23/11 as example, program starts many times per year
    Type of Cuisine: French, general
    Housing: yes
    Transfer Credits: yes
    Percentage of students that graduate with jobs: 99%
    Average salary of grads: varies
    Faculty in field: yes, a good percentage of them

    School: Art Institute of Philadelphia
    Tuition: 17, 280
    Length of Program: 1 year
    Type of Program: Diploma
    Time frame of program: unknown
    Type of Cuisine: international/varied
    Housing: 30% of students housed
    Transfer Credits: yes
    Percentage of students that graduate with jobs: 89%
    Average salary of grads: 21,000
    Faculty in field: some, but not a lot as far as I can tell

    School: Institute of Culinary Education
    Tuition: 27, 717 for morning/afternoons, 26, 334 for evenings/weekends
    Length of Program: 30 weeks (I think?); it’s 610 hours which includes an externship. It varies depending if you take the day or evening program.
    Type of Program: Diploma
    Time frame of program: unknown
    Type of Cuisine: European and American
    Housing: yes
    Transfer Credits: unknown, doesn’t seem applicable though because you only learn baking here.
    Percentage of students that graduate with jobs: unknown
    Average salary of grads: unknown
    Faculty in field: yes

    School: Culinary Institute of America
    Tuition: 28,000/year
    Length of Program: 21 months or 38 months
    Type of Program: Associates’ and Bachelors’
    Time frame of program: 4 times a year to apply
    Type of Cuisine: variety
    Housing: yes
    Transfer Credits: yes
    Percentage of students that graduate with jobs: unknown
    Average salary of grads: 25,000-30,000 (AS), 30,000-35,000 (BA)
    Faculty in field: yes

    That took longer than it should to gather…I’m tired, heh.

    I hope it was helpful to someone out there. Night folks. Look forward to spaghetti squash recipes over the coming days. My mom got a whole box of them, despite that fact that we've never bought any kind of squash before. Oh mom....

    October 25, 2009


    Alright, chocolate cake time! And yay it’s my first baking post! It’s a plain chocolate cake with frosting.

    You’ll need:
    1 ½ cps flour
    3 squares of semi-sweet baking chocolate
    1 ½ tsp baking powder
    1 tsp baking soda
    ½ tsp salt
    1 tbs cocoa powder
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1 cp sugar
    2/3 cp butter
    3 eggs

    1.      Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Flour, wax paper, and butter up said wax paper like in the photo. Two 9-in pans.

    2.   Melt three squares baking chocolate in ½ cp of water. Put the microwave on for about 10 seconds before taking it out, stirring, and repeating until you have a liquid-y chocolate sauce. Set aside.

    3.      Combine 1 ½ cps flour, 1 ½ tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, and ½ tsp salt. Set aside for a minute.
    4.      Combine 1 cp sugar and 2/3 cp butter and beat for a minute. Add the 3 eggs one at a time, beating in slowly.

    5.      Then, alternate between pouring the chocolate sauce and the flour mixture. It will change colours every time you do so, and it will be cool.

    6.      Bake for 30 - 40 minutes. Then take it out and let it cool before adding the frosting.

    Okay, so about that frosting…Yes, it will also be homemade. Because homemade wins!

    You’ll need:
    ½ cp confectionaries’ sugar
    ¼ cp light brown sugar
    ¼ cp white sugar
    3 tbs orange juice

    1.      Cream butter.
    2.      Slowly add the sugars. Pour a little orange juice now and again. Don’t pour it too fast or you’ll mess up the consistency. Like I did =D

    3.      That’s it, really. Mine turned out pretty liquid-y, but then I added too much orange juice. Don’t do that and you’ll be fine. If you do anyways, keep adding white sugar until the consistency improves.

    When your cake has cooled, transfer one cake to serving plate. Spread frosting on it. Place second cake on top. Frost the whole thing now. I also made some "nice" designs using some store-bought frosting.

    Now you’ve got yourself a delicious cake. Enjoy!


    Sorry I haven’t posted in the past few days. The pancake scallion recipe turned out really badly so I obviously wasn’t going to post it. Besides that, I haven’t cooked anything. I’ve been eating take out food.
    Speaking of which, I went to Checkers last night and had a rather horrible experience. Their cashier lady was really rude and impatient with me. It was raining heavily (drive-thru) and I couldn’t see the menu and it was hard to hear her. Top that with the fact that they apparently no longer carry philly cheese steak burgers and I had to pick something new on the spot…Yeah, she kept yelling at me. I also managed to spill two, large cherry Fantas all over my car thanks to the guy who stopped in the middle of the road for no reason right in front of me. Thank God we weren’t in heavy water or I probably would have slid into his car. When I finally got home, the cheese burgers I did get were pretty crappy. Too much mayo, not enough burger taste. I’m not getting food from Checkers anymore, even if their fries are good.
    On that note, tonight’s dinner is a sweet chicken. It’s pretty simple. It’s just a dry rub on some chicken that I’m cooking.
    You’ll need:
    1 cp light brown sugar
    1 tbs salt
    2 tbs pepper
    ½ tbs cayenne pepper
    1 tsp tartar powder
    ½ cp all-purpose seasoning

    1.Mix all of the dry ingredients up.
    2.Rub them onto the raw chicken, covering as much surface as possible.

    3.Put the chickens into an aluminum pan and stick into a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes. The wait will be worth it. The slower you cook something, the juicier it’ll be!

    Okay, that’s it. Really simple.

    I had a side of corn on the cob with this meal, as well as sweet potato fries and arepas. It was all frozen stuff, so no recipes on them. However, if you have some fresh ears of corn, you can grill it like this:
    1. Soak whole corn for 8-10 minutes in water. Do not remove the husks.
    2. Grill until husks become slightly blackened.
    3. Remove from heat and let it cool down before you peel the husks away. Apply butter if you so desire.
    Alternatively, you could just boil fresh corn in water for around 10 minutes.

    That’s all for now. I might bake a chocolate cake tonight though, so we’ll see how that goes.

    As far as what I’m going to do with my life…my community college has a culinary certificate, a baking certificate, and a culinary management associates’ degree. The culinary certificate program only has a few courses related to actual food preparing. Most of it is management classes as well as food safety and selection classes. Which is fine, but I’m looking for more cooking classes. The baking program is more involved with the actual baking aspect. It has a basic baking, a decorating class and a “professional pastry” class. The cooking is like, basic cooking and garde manager. As the days go by, I’m thinking that I’d rather be a baker anyways. I cook and bake now, but there’s still a lot I don’t know that I’d like to be instructed in by someone who actually knows what the hell they’re doing.

    I’ve been looking at the Art Institute in Philadelphia, Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, and the Institute of Culinary Education in New York. All of them have nice diploma programs as well (except CIA which is only associates+). They also have associates’ programs as well but honestly, as far as I can tell from the college’s statistics, diploma and associates graduates make about the same money. I think with enough basic education I can supplement anything I don’t learn in school. I’m probably going to go with the program at my community college, unless I get some serious scholarship money. Pretty much with either program I can start when the current semester is over. It’s just down to cost. I don’t have a lot of money, and I reckon I can’t get a $20K loan.
    I am most considering the school in Philadelphia. It’s only a year for the baking and pastry program, and it covers a lot of baking topics without dealing with all the regular school stuff that I’ve had enough of after 1 ½ years at community college. It’s a good chunk of money, but I figure I could pay it off a year or two after I graduate, so it’s really not so bad. I really hope I CAN get that $20K loan. We’ll see. I’d also have to move to Philadelphia. I don’t have a particularly good opinion of the city.
    The Culinary Institute’s program probably comes off as the most professional and prestigious. At least, that’s the impression I got from their brochure =D I do believe they’re the most expensive, but not by much.
    All of the programs at the fancy private institutions looked like they covered a lot of ground and dedicated more class time to specific areas. All of the programs involve internships, which is something I would not go without. That real life experience is needed and will probably be the most useful part of the curriculum.
    I’m going to make an appointment with the Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management (RE: the food major at cc) advisor and talk to her about what I actually learn in the program before I decide.
    Those are my musing for tonight. Hope it was entertaining…

    October 22, 2009

    Soupy Soup

    Hey, guess what? I got out of class early today so I have time to cook myself lunch before work. It’s a very simple dish, but hey, some people need simple meals for their fast-paced lives. For lunch today I will present you with a noodle soup.

    Servings: 2

    Noodle Soup

    You’ll need:
    2 oz pasta shells (just a shake of the box really, less than a quarter)
    1 celery stalk
    1 carrot
    1 chicken bullion cube/powder packet
    2 scallions
    2 sprigs of cilantro
    1 small potato

                1. Set water to boil, about half a pot and add your bullion cube.
    2. Peel the skin off of the potato and carrot. You can cut then cut the potato in half so you have a nice flat surface; then dice said halves. Cut the celery, carrots, and scallions into small pieces.

    3. When the water is boiling, dump all of your cut veggies into the pot and cover with a lid. Let simmer for about 15 minutes. Go relax somewhere while you wait.

    4. When all is said and done, put the pasta in and leave your soup to cook without the lid for another 10 minutes. Also, add a little more water so the pasta is covered.

    5. When it’s ready to serve, add the cilantro into the soup. Now you’re ready to eat. Enjoy!

    That’s my really simple soup. Flavorful and healthy…well, it has a lot of sodium, but that’s pretty much a given with soup. I wish you well and I will see you with my pancakes tomorrow. Because I know I won’t have time to cook dinner tonight. Very important social engagement to go to. Farewell~

    Personal Breakfast

    Oh man, I didn’t get to cook anything yesterday. I was so bummed. But I ate my delicious salad from last time and this wonderful cheesy bow-tie pasta dish that my mom brought home. I’m certainly going to try to make it myself soon enough.
    But, that’s not what you want to hear. Today, I’m going to cook breakfast for you guys. I’m making tomato and bacon eggs with cinnamon toast. It’s all relatively simple and you can have it out in like 10 minutes.

    Serving Size: 1

    Cinnamon Toast
    You’ll need:
    2 Slices of your Choice of Bread.

    1. First, pop the bread into a toaster for 3 minutes.

    2. When it’s done, liberally sprinkle toast with cinnamon. However much you want, really.
    3. Finally, to be a bit more fun I drew smily faces on my toast with black frosting. Of course, sky’s the limit with this one. Go crazy. I’m sure it’ll be especially appreciated if you have kids and/or picky eaters!

    Tomato and Bacon Eggs
    You’ll need:
    3 Strips of Bacon.
    2 Large Eggs.
    Pasta/tomato sauce.
    Cilantro (a couple of leaves)

    1. First things in order: Cut up the bacon into small pieces and put in a pan on low – medium. You don’t need to put any butter because the fat from the bacon is enough for your purposes.

    2. When that has browned up, dump the eggs off to the side in the pan. Let them set a bit. Then, just scramble everything together! Let cook for about 1-2 minutes, until eggs look cooked.

    3. When everything is all nicely set, add in about 1 ½ tbs of pasta or tomato sauce. Mix that up. Everything should be completely cooked by now so you can go ahead and transfer your breakfast to your plate. Garnish with a bit of cilantro to add a nice colour and there you are, a lovely breakfast dish just for you!

    It really tastes nice. It has the sweetness of tomatoes but the saltiness of an egg. It reminds me of a potato in some ways. The sweet bread is a good contrast to the savory flavor of the eggs as well.

    That’s it for this recipe. Tomorrow we’re doing an egg sandwich with scallion pancake buns. I have to let the batter sit overnight so you’ll just have to sit tight and let your mouth water! Have a lovely day <3

    October 20, 2009

    Welcome to Cutting Spices! Have a Salad!

    Hello, welcome to Cutting Spices! My name is Jin Curry and I’m an amateur baker and cook, full time student, and human being. I also garden. Look forward to posts on life through my eyes.
    I like making food, a lot of it. I will share all my recipes and the techniques I learn along the way. My food is geared towards people who want to eat tasty food that’s also good for you, as well as for those who either don't have a ton of time and/or are too lazy to cook. Also, the desserts featured here? Probably not so healthy, but just as delicious.
    I'll also be including my fun adventures through higher education, also known as college from time to time.

    Today I want to share a quick recipe that are part of my dinner menu.

    Simple garden salad with raisin bread croutons.

    Serving Size: for 2, or just 1 really hungry person!

    Garden salad is relatively straight forward.
    You’ll need:
    6 leaves from a heart of romaine lettuce.
    1 medium beefsteak tomato.
    1 cucumber.
    ½ of 1red pepper.
    2 carrots.
    1 stalk of celery.

    1. First off, wash everything. Sanitation is very important. Be sure to let things dry because no one likes a salad with soggy ingredients. Shred the leaves, set aside. Take a peeler to the cucumber and carrots.

    1. Now, salads naturally require a lot of cutting and dicing. You’ll be doing that now. Cut the carrot into circles for your salad. Cut the cucumber in circles as well, but quarter those circles. We need bite-size, yes yes?
    2. As for the pepper, we only need a half. Just save the other for nearly any other dish. Peppers are extremely versatile. So, once you got that half and de-seeded it, put it face down so you’ve got a flat surface on the bottom, which is pretty much a rule with anything you’re chopping. Putting your bent fingers down on the pepper, cut down lengthwise along the “barrier” your fingers create. This prevents you from cutting yourself. When you’ve got pepper strips, rotate them and cut them into tiny, bite-sized pieces.
    3. Next up is the celery, which you simply cut into bite-sized pieces.

    1. For the tomato, slice off the top and place that facedown. Cut into the tomato horizontally, so you’ve got a bunch of slices. Then cut down twice (in a criss-cross fashion) so you’ve got a diced tomato. 

    1. Add all of this to a serving bowl. Put the cucumber on the bottom with the lettuce on top. Arrange the carrots around the edges, followed by the celery and peppers as in the picture at the bottom of the post. Top with the croutons which you’ll make in a second. For now, time to make the dressing…

    Oil and Spices Dressing.
    You’ll need:
    1/3 cup vinegar
    ¼ cup oil
    1 clove garlic, minced
    ½ tsp salt
    1 tsp pepper
    ½ tbs oregano
    ½ tbs basil
    ¾ cup water
    1. Combine all ingredients and mix them up. Pour over salad.

    Raisin Bread Croutons
    You’ll need:
    1 raisin cinnamon bagel or 2 slices of raisin cinnamon bread
    1 tbs garlic powder
    2 tbs olive oil
    ½ tbs basil
    1 tsp salt
    1. Cut up your choice of bread stuffs into bite sized cubes, for easy crouton eating.

    2. Heat up oil in pan on low – medium heat.
    3. Sprinkle garlic powder, salt, and basil on croutons and mix it around to spread      the delicious flavors. Put lid on pan and let cook for 4 minutes. Stir it around occasionally.
    4. Add some more olive oil at this point and stir it around, just to let the croutons get a little wet. Continue to cook for a few more minutes until you have crispy croutons.

    5. Remove from heat and serve with your salad.

    The croutons won’t be too sweet. They’ll have a very herb-y tasty to them, but a hint of smoky sweetness. Even if you don’t like cinnamon raisin bread stuffs, this would definitely work for you.

    That’s the dish for tonight. Stay tuned for more!

    In other news, I've officially started my hunt for a culinary education. I'm not sure whether I want to get an associate's in cooking or a baking certificate...
    Devry called me today but they don't offer a culinary program at all so they're out.
    As I research more I'll be sure to put what I've learned up here.

    On that note, I bid you a good night. Thanks for reading. Look forward to tomorrow's item of the day! <3